Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nui is going to have a pretty robust multiplayer component. Part of the fun of playing with toys like LEGO is doing it with your friends - and Crainy didn't forget about that, either.

Even as a kid, I wanted to explore that world in a proper RPG, so basically with this project making the game that always wanted to play since I was a kid." "I distinctly remember seeing the first Bionicle commercial that was ever aired on TV and since then been a huge fan of the franchise all my life," Crainy explained. "I think Bionicle managed to create a very interesting world with a very unique atmosphere that is worth bringing to the attention of more people.

The colorful adventures he imagined fueled his desire to make this free fan game a reality. Nearly 20 years ago, the lead developer and creator "Crainy" first got into the Bionicle toys. I managed to get a quick chat with the lead developer about this upcoming game. Behind the Scenes of Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nui